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EXP Belted Treaded 1/8 Buggy/GT Tire (Two Pre-Mounted Tires) (45deg)

EXP Belted Treaded 1/8 Buggy/GT Tire (Two Pre-Mounted Tires) (45deg)


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Color: Black

This is a pair of Soft compound treaded tires for cool and uneven surfaces.

Note for Electric powered GT racers:
Our GT tires is designed for Nitro Powered GTs in mind, even thought some racers had great success with our tires on their "Insane Speed" runs with 2S-6S Lipo/Brusheless Motor equipped machines but we do not recommend our tires for that kind of racing or nor warranty or guarantees of any kinds for that matters. our tires are designed for "Circuit Racing" where Lap times are most important.
Our Rubber selection
GT: Made out of Natural virgin rubber, great for VHT, Sugar coated tracks.(one color dot)
EXP: Made out of Synthetic rubber, most traction, longer lasting.(two color dots)

Slick VS Treaded
Slick: Made for commercial track or even smooth surface.
Treaded: Made for uneven surface such as parking lots.
Shore Rating recommendation:
40 Green dot/Ultra Soft compound:  Cold weather.
45 Blue dot/Soft compound:  Cool Weather.
50 Red dot/Medium compound: Hot weather.
55 Gold dot/Hard compound: Sizzling weather.

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